Come get jiggy while getting a job! On-site interviews and hiring on the spot.
Yes, this is a night career fair from 6-10 p.m. - bring your spouse and/or children and they can wait while you interview, or interview with a little on your lap! We will be doing giveaways and raffles and are hiring for ALL CLINICAL positions.
Do the Robot with the RCAs/Caregivers
Do the CHA-CHA with the CNAs
Do the Quickstep with the QMAs
Do the Limbo with the LPNs
Do the Rhumba with the RNs
Also hiring an Assistant Director of health Services/Nurses, Assistant Director of Food Services, and a Memory Care Coordinator.
We are hiring all shifts - especially 2nd and 3rd! Come as you are.
Text "NIGHT WITH NURSES" at (812)419-3550 to schedule an interview ahead of the event.